
Primary School

Ready, Respectful and Safe

Emotional Wellbeing

Our vision

The emotional health and wellbeing of all members of Kirklevington Primary School, including staff, children and their families, is extremely important to us. Our school values the importance of caring for each other and providing emotional support when it is needed. We recognise mental health and emotional wellbeing is just as important as our physical health.

We encourage all members of our school community, staff and children to be respectful and kind and to appreciate that each individual and contribution is valued. We recognise that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We aim to ensure that everybody is supported to reach their potential or has access to help when they need it.

Our intent

In order to place Emotional Wellbeing at the heart of everything we do, we: 

Staff Well-being is fundamental to the successful running of the school. It is imperative staffing needs are considered, listened to and made a priority. We will ensure that:


We take a whole school approach to promoting positive Emotional Well-being, aiming to help children become more resilient, happier and lead more fulfilling lives and to work in a pro-active way to avoid problems arising.

We do this by:  

Through our curriculum…

We promote a mentally healthy environment through:

Small group activities:

Parents and carers concerns.

Parents or carers should approach their child’s class teacher if they have any Emotional Well-being concerns. This will be cascaded to the PSHE Leader, Mrs Pattison who can support teachers in identifying strategies to support parents and children. In addition to offering support within school, we may also discuss with you additional support mechanisms available to you from the following agencies:

Online resources to support Mental Health and Wellbeing can be found on the following websites.

Supporting your child during the coronavirus outbreak

Calming Activities, Mindfulness, Breathing, Yoga Videos and More…

Apps for Wellbeing and Mental Health

Helpful Articles

The discomfort you’re feeling is grief.

Telephone Helplines

Samaritans – If you need to talk to someone, the Samaritans can help- they offer emotional support and a listening ear 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is a free phone number that can even be called from a mobile that has no credit. Your call will not appear on the phone bill. Call 116 123 or email (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

Childline – Comforts, advises and protects children 24 hours a day and offers free confidential counselling. Call 0800 1111 (24 hours)

NSPCC Helpline – If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support. Call 0808 800 5000 or email

CALM Helpline – Confidential support for men, 7 days a week, 5pm to midnight, free Call 0800 58 58 58.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline – Free, confidential, 24 hour helpline. Call 0808 2000 247

Women’s Aid – Information and support for women experiencing domestic violence 

Live Chat 

Citizens Advice – Providing advice on issues such as debt management and welfare benefits, housing, immigration and asylum, employment, consumer complaints and landlord-tenant disputes. Due to increased demand for this service Citizens Advice advise people to use the website first. Call – 0344 411 1444

Winston’s Wish – Supports bereaved children, young people and their families. Call 0808 802 0021

Advice for parents/carers

The government has produced a useful webpage listing sources of advice and support for keeping children safe. The guide includes information about:

Government Publication – Coronavirus Covid 19 – Keeping Children Safe from Abuse and Harm – Advice to Parents