The School’s Ethos and Values
Kirklevington Primary School is a small, village school, on the outskirts of Yarm, Stockton-On-Tees. Being a small school means we know our children and their families very well.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the themes, ‘Be ready, Be respectful and Be safe’ and we have high expectations for behaviour.
Our aims are to provide our children with the vocabulary, knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in all aspects of their lives, both academically and personally.
We value teamwork and enjoy working in partnership with our parents and carers, governors, the other schools in our Trust and the wider community.
We have high aspirations for all of our children and promote independence and resilience.
We look for opportunities to enhance our curriculum to make learning memorable, fun and exciting.
We are a Rights Respecting School and take pride in learning about children’s rights in our school, the local area, nationally and globally.
We promote healthy lifestyles through our Science, PE and well-being curriculum and provide opportunities for children to play an active part in school life.
All members of our school community are valued and we take pride in being an inclusive school.