
Primary School

Ready, Respectful and Safe

Our School Day

The school day begins at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm for children in Reception to Year 6. This equates to a 32.5 hour week.

Children enter school from this time, via the door in their classroom. Registration closes at 8.55am.

Any children who arrive at school after this time, should go to the office to be signed in. Gates will be locked at 9.00am and remain locked throughout the school day. All access after this time is through the main entrance.

Morning Nursery begins at 9.00am until 12.00pm. For children accessing 30 hours, they should be collected at 3.00pm.

Our lunch break is 12.00pm – 1.00pm and registration for the second session closes at 1.15pm.

Children should be collected from their classroom at home time.

Please do not park in the car park without prior permission, which will only be given in exceptional circumstances.

There is a car park that parents can use, accessible down Pump Lane, off Forest Lane, with access to the school via a gate. Please note this road is part of a one-way system.

Pedestrians should stick to the footpaths and not walk through the school car park.

The school has a breakfast club, which is accessible to all children, from 7.45am to the start of the school day. This provision is free for children entitled to Pupil premium. Bookings must be made on-line in advance in order to ensure we have the correct staff ratios.